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Reptiles of the United States
Snakes of the U.S.

Northern Speckled Racer (Drymobius margaritiferus margaritiferus)

Adult Size: 30" to 50"

Description: Streamlined black body with greenish cast. Dart-sharped yellow spot occupies the central area of each back scale; concealed front edge of each scale is blue, the exposed rear edge is black. A black stripe is behind the eye. The scales are weakly keeled in 17 rows with the anal plate being divided.

Habitat: Found in dense thickets and palm groves with plenty of plant debris, this snake is almost always near a water source.

Breeding: about 2 to 8 1½" eggs are laid from April to July and hatch in 2 months. Hatchlings are approximately 6 inches in length and reach maturity in 2-3 years.

Range: Extreme southern Texas south to Columbia.

Diet: They will consume a wide variety of prey, but primarily feed on frogs and toads.

Behavior: Speckled Racers are fast moving, nervous snakes which do not often hesitate to bite if handled.


Conservation Status: The Speckled Racer is considered to be a threatened species in the US state of Texas.

Additonal Notes: Rarely encountered north of the Rio Grande.

Subspecies: None