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Reptiles of the United States
Snakes of the U.S.

Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana)

Adult Size: 4" to 6½"

Description: A small lizard with small back scales, some alrger scales on the head; a fold with granular scales across the throat. Coloration is brown with the back pattern consisting of blotches, spots, speckles, or stripes. A single dark blue to black spot on each side behine the foreleg. External ear openings.

Habitat: Arid and semiarid regions with coarse, gravelly soil and low growing vegetation.

Breeding: Mates throughout the year in the southernmost range, in summer elsewhere. Three clutches of 2 to 6 eggs are laid. Sperm may be stored in the female's oviduct for up to 3 months, so at least 3 fertile clutches can result from each mating.

Range: Central Washington southeast to western Texas and Mexico; west to the Pacific coast and baja Calfornia, north through central and eastern California to central Oregon.

Diet: Feed primarily on insects.

Behavior: Diurnal. These lizards live on or near the ground and are voracious consumers of insects. In the northern parts of their range tey become inactive in the winter; they are active on any warm day throughout the year in the southern region.


Conservation Status:

Additonal Notes:

Subspecies: Six with five in our range.

Northern Side-Blotched Lizard (U.s. stansburiana) - the male has light spots and blue specks; the back scales are weakly keeled. Found in central nevada, western utah, northwestern Arizona, and eastern California. Photo...

California Side-Blotched Lizard (U.s. elegans) - conspicuous dorsolateral stripes, fewer than 8 scales between the femoral pores. Found in southern California, western Arizona, and into Mexico. Photo...

Nevada Side-Blotched Lizard (U.s. nevadensis) - the back pattern is weak, breeding males have orange sides. Found in northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Photo...

Desert Side-Blotched Lizard (U.s. stejnegeri) - dorsolateral stripes are evident toward the front, more than 8 scales between the femoral pores. Found in central New Mexico, western Texas, and south into Mexico. Photo...

Colorado Side-Blotched Lizard (U.s. uniformis) - back pattern is weak or absent. Found in eastern utah, western Colorado, northeastern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. Photo...

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