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Reptiles of the United States
Snakes of the U.S.

Large-Headed Anole (Anole cybotes)

Adult Size: 7" to 8"

Description: Chunky lizard with a pale yellow extensible throatfan, enlarged toe pads, and a short snout. Coloration is gray to brown with a light stripe down the center of the back in females and juveniles. Mature males are nearly uniform brown, occasionally showing dark markings or green lateral stripes. The back crest is prominent on the nexk and male tail, and weak elsewhere.

Habitat: Arboreal. Trees, vines, fences, and piles of garden trash.

Breeding: Match from March to September. Hatchlings emerge April to October.

Range: Introduced into northeastern Dade County, Florida, from Hispaniola.

Diet: Diet includes dragonflies, cockroaches, and other lizards

Behavior: Diurnal. A highly terrestrial species. Males can be seen displaying on streetside banyan (Ficus) trees and ornamental shrubs, and on the ground in residential areas.

Video N/A

Conservation Status: Secure in Florida

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