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Narrow-Mouthed Frogs of the United States

The North American specie slack teeth, and have a fold of skin across the back of the narrow, pointed head. The body is plump and the skin smooth and moist. The legs are short and the hind feet have enlarged tubercles used in digging. They are secretive creatures active only at night, they feed almost exclusively on ants.

males give a bleating call to attract females to the breeding ponds, In addition to being clasped firmly behind the forelegs by the male, the female narrow-mouthed's sticky skin secretion also holds the breeding pair otgether. Eggs are laid in a thin, floating film and hatch in a few days. Tadpoles metamorphose in about 30 days.


There are only three species of Narrow-mouthed Frogs in the U.S.

Eastern Narrow-Mouthed Frog (Gastrophryne carolinensis)

Found from southern Missouri east through southern Kentucky and Tennesseem and from southern maryland south thorugh the Florida Keysm and west to eastern texas and Oklahoma.

Great Plains Narrow-Mouthed Frog (Gastrophryne olivacea)

Found in a band from eastern Nebraska and western Missouri through Oklahoma and Texas into Mexico, west through northern Mexico and into south-central Arizona.

Sheep Frog (Hypopachus variolosus)

Found in southeastern Texas into Mexico.


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