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Reptiles of the United States
Snakes of the U.S.

Western Toad (Bufo boreas)

Adult Size: 2½" to 5"

Description: A large toad that lacks the cranial crests and has oval parotoid glands. Coloration is gray to green, with a light colored stripe down the middle of the back. The warts are tinged with red and are aurrounded by black blotches. Males have a pale throat.

Voice: Like a weak peeping of baby chicks. No vocal sacs.

Habitat: Near springs, streams, meadows, and woodlands.

Breeding: January to September, depending on the weather. Egg strings are attached to vegetation in shallow, usually still water.

Range: Found in the Pacific Coast from southern Alaska to Baja California, east to west-central Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada.


Behavior: Active at twilight. At higher elevations, where nighttime temperatures are low, it is often active during the day.


Conservation Status:

Additonal Notes: It lives in the burrows of its own construction or those of small rodents.

Subspecies: Three in our range.

Boreal Toad (B.b. boreas) - dark blotches on the underside. Found in southeastern Alaska south through the Rocky Mountains to central Colorado, and south into northern California in the West. Photo...

California Toad (B.b. halophilus) - has fewer dark blotches in the underside and a wide head. Found in north-central California south into northern Baja California. Photo...

Amargosa Toad (B.b. nelsoni) - has a nrrow head and fewer warts. Found in Nye and Loncoln counties, Nevada. Photo...

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